
See how it's done

See what steps are included in the Science as a Service process.

ML workshops

Exploring solutions

Data analysis

& preprocessing


the model goes live


ML model training

The ML team analyzes the data and searches for supplementary datasets. They suggest other relevant data sources, and perform feature engineering.
Discuss your business profile with our engineers, identify your pain points and the problem to be solved with ML, and define available data during a workshop session.
ML engineers select base models and modify them to suit the problem, train the chosen models and iterate to define the final configuration.
ML engineers and MLOps work on integrating the models with your systems, define the required infrastructure, implement the model, and present the results.

The reason we're here

Our Mission

We aim to provide organizations with reasonable machine learning solutions that serve their purpose and bring tangible results. No guesswork, no buzzwords, no playing around. We're determined to find optimal solutions and bring them to life, be it ML or not.

Our Role

Matching data science, engineering, academic, and business skills in one interdisciplinary team, we're taking on a role of an intermediary between the many facets of ML projects. We're the translators that help business representatives, scientists, and engineers find common ground and speak a shared language.

Our Values

At ReasonField Lab, we care for the solutions we build and we make sure our Partners know we've got their backs. Our values help us in this journey.

Solutions within reason

It's crucial for us to find the best solution out there. We're considering all options and
only choosing ML when it's the right way to go.
The process starts with a workshops that helps us validate that the solution will work.


We join our Client teams as seamlessly as possible, kicking our projects off with meetings that help us align with their objectives and adjust to their good practices.


We're honest and communicative at every step of the way. We value open communication
and timely feedback and always make sure to keep our Client in the loop.


We don't want to be just a contractor to lease you a team. We work on projects that we care about, so it's not at all hard to be enthusiastic about the work we're doing. We're in this together!